Help Federal employees understand what's needed to have a successful retirement.

Help Federal employees understand what's needed to have a successful retirement.

Tap into the opportunity-rich federal market with Federal Bridge program!

Ready to become a federal benefits specialist? Federal Bridge offers independent agents like you a comprehensive and supportive framework to enhance their business, from streamlined appointments and cutting-edge tools to valuable resources and financial incentives.

Number of federal employees in the U.S.
as of October 2023


Average monthly account balance
(Federal Employees Retirement System)
as of April 2023


Average monthly account balance
(Civil Service Retirement System)
as of April 2023


Average annual income for federal employees
in Management occupations

Course Includes

  • 9 Training Video Modules
  • Federal Employee Consultation Workbook
  • Proprietary Assessment Tool
  • 6 Appointments each week

Presented by:
Dave Baker
Fiduciary Investment Advisor

Learn More

Course Includes

  • 9 Training Video Modules
  • Federal Employee Consultation Workbook
  • Proprietary Assessment Tool
Dave Baker

Presented by:
Dave Baker FERSTM
Fiduciary Investment Advisor

Learn More


See what some of our loyal customers have to say about our company. We take great pride in ensuring the highest standards of customer satisfaction.

Most Federal Employees

have virtually no knowledge of what
their benefits
actually are.

Most Federal Employees

have virtually no knowledge of what their benefits actually are.

How to Make 6 Figures in the Federal Market

Module Lessons
Presented by: Dave Baker
How it works

First, the short version:

    1. Access our proprietary training system to become a Federal Market Expert
    2. Leverage our portfolio of preset appointment options to fill your calendar
    3. Use our proven sales process to drive more sales

      Now, the details:

        Any federal business written must be through IAMS with an approved carrier.

        Then, use the provided Federal Employee Consultation workbook during each consultation to gather data from your client. As you explain their retirement benefits and options, an automated assessment tool updates the client’s information.

        At the end of the appointment, you’ll have highlighted each client’s Three Problems and, ideally, they’ll conclude that you can help them accomplish their goals for a successful retirement.

        Take it from Dave: “The automated assessment tool is a huge benefit. I wish I had this thing when I was out in the field. When I started implementing the process that this tool helps you do, my closing ratio increased by 30%.

          Sales Resources
          A $2,500 up-front deposit – or $675 per month for four months – gives you access to nine Federal Benefits Training videos: In-depth modules that show you the step-by-step sales process to position yourself as a federal benefits expert and prepare you to answer questions during your client consultations.

          After completing the initial video training modules, agents can participate in ongoing live sales training.* As a registered IAMS independent agent, you can also visit our online Sales Resources Library, featuring 24-hour access to financial concept pages, fact finders, presentations, and more.

          And the best part? After you make your first 5 sales, your initial deposit can be applied to a federal lead vendor.
          * To participate in the ongoing live sales training the agent must agree to a 70/30 comp split on fed business.
          Get appointments. Do a consultation with a proprietary tool. Close the sale and get the commission.

          Each week, agents will get 6 appointments put on their calendar. By being a part of the IAMS Fed Team, the cost for these appointments will be discounted.

            Federal Employee Consultation Workbook...
            with our Automated Assessment Tool.

              • This tool allows you to gather data from your client, while just having a conversation.
              • When completed, the personalized workbook is automatically filled in for you with your client’s information.
              • You go through the workbook with your client, explaining their retirement benefits and options to them
              • Every Federal Employee will have Three Problems, you will show/highlight these problems to them and they will come to their own conclusion that they need help to accomplish their goal of having a “successful retirement”...It almost closes the business for you.
              • The automated Assessment Tool is a HUGE benefit. I wish I had this thing when I was out in the field. When I started implementing the process that this tool helps you do, my closing ratio increased by 30%.
              - By following our step-by-step sales process, doing the consultation exactly as we teach it, and having the answers to their questions….because you are the expert.
              You will easily be able to close the sale and make a really good living…..while HELPING PEOPLE
              • 1
                Put down a $2,500 deposit – Gets you access to the 9 Modules of Federal Benefits Training Videos
              • 2

                Move your contracts……. only for our “preferred providers”, over to IAMS
              • 3

                After you make your first five sales………. you get your original investment ($2,500) back